Amazing Grace
Last night I wept from the beginning to end of the film "Amazing Grace." William Wilberforce a member of English Parliament lived a life that allowed the Kingdom of God change his life and in turn saw God change his country and the world. This film tells the story of Wilberforce and his struggle for abolish the slave trade in England, which changed the world wide slave trade. I think the film makers did a great job showing the integration of his faith and his work.
Next week I'm hosting a discussion called "Working for God" to help empower people to see how their faith can be huge part of their work. Wilberforce was a man who integrated his faith into his daily life that has in turn changed the world. He help found the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) among other things. I think the way we have been taught to follow God has separated our spirituality and humanity. The integration of those two is where a missional life begins.
This year marks 200 years since the abolition of the slave trade in England however there are still a huge number of people trafficked and enslaved in horrible working environments around the world today. Stop the Traffik is one group of people working today to stop the underground slave trade. Also check out
"I think the way we have been taught to follow God has separated our spirituality and humanity. The integration of those two is where a missional life begins."
This is true. In the sence that our spirituality and our humanity need to be working together. You have been doing a great job at walking along side people and helping them realize that. Thanks.
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